SNK Wiki

I personally do not think Kim Hye-Ryen is the ancestor of Kim Kaphwan. I assume that the Samurai Shodown, Savage Reign, and Fatal Fury series take place in completely different universes, with the Art of Fighting series being the spiritual prequel to Fatal Fury. Just because Hye-Ryen and Kaphwan have the same last names doesn't mean they are relatives. 22:24, January 16, 2010 (UTC)

I would disagree with the Kizuna Encounter Kim because the developers teased whether those Kims were related; the different development teams said different answers from one another. I can accept this Kim not being related to present day Kim -although I'd personally find it really hard to believe with their similar movesets and origins- only because the developers haven't really said much about their possible relationship. That is, unless they have said something and I just haven't found it. Well, we'll see. Sake neko 02:06, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

Gameplay footage[]

Shows off some of the Kim-like moves this guy has. Everything to me sounds like Kim but we'll see. Sake neko 00:07, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
